AI4Research @ IJCAI2024

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Workshop at IJCAI 2024, Jeju Island, South Korea
August 5, 2024


Although AI has brought transformative changes to various aspects of life, its impact on researchers unfolds in a nuanced manner. On the one hand, AI assists in various research disciplines, such as Social Science, Finance, Medicine, GeoScience, Math, etc., significantly expediting academic processes. However, it's important to note that these AI programs are still guided by human researchers. On the flip side, the AI era poses challenges for researchers. While it streamlines certain tasks, researchers find themselves still having to undergo years of professional training, extensive paper reading to stay current, quicker ideation due to fast-paced advancements, and a growing number of papers to review. It appears that AI is pushing them to work harder and be more productive. In contemplating the future, the question looms: Can AI potentially replace researchers as autonomous scientists?

Call for Papers

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines who are interested in how AI is made use of to assist, accelerate, and even automate their research activities. As such, the workshop welcomes and covers a wide range of topics, including (non-exclusively):

  • AI for Social Science, such as Psychology, Criminology, etc.
  • AI for Natural Science, such as Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Geography, Biology, Material, etc.
  • AI for Math
  • AI for Finance
  • AI automates research, such as automatic data analysis, AI-assisted experiment design, streamlining research processes, etc.
  • AI as Autonomous Scientists: identifying new research questions, conducting experiments, and analyzing results
  • AI for academic services, such as automatic paper review, AI for academic writing, scientific paper recommendations, etc.
  • Scientific document modeling and understanding
  • Challenges and ethical considerations in AI-driven academic research

Paper format & proceedings: Please use the official IJCAI format to submit anonymous manuscripts (double-blind paper review), and we accept papers of pages >=4 (reference and appendix excluded).

  • Accepted papers may opt for either in-person presentation or forgo the opportunity for an onsite presentation.
  • Accepted papers can choose to be published in Springer Nature proceedings or not.

Camera-ready submission:

  • Plan to publish at Springer Nature: Please use the official Springer Nature format to prepare your paper.
  • Otherwise, send us the URL of your online accessible version; any format is acceptable.

Best Paper Awards: We will set the "Best Paper Award".

Openreview Submission Link


Important Dates

  • May 20: Paper submission deadline
  • June 2: Notification of acceptance
  • June 15: Camera-ready deadline
  • Aug. 5: Workshop

All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h (“anywhere on Earth”).

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Heng Ji
& Amazon Scholar
Topic: AI for Drug Discovery

Prof. Zhouhan Lin
Shanghai Jiao
Tong University
Topic: AI for GeoScience

Prof. Zachary Ives
Department Chair
University of Pennsylvania
Topic: AI for Database

Prof. Marija Slavkovik
Department Chair
University of Bergen
Topic: AI Ethics


Attention!!! 9am-5pm (full day workshop). 10:30-11:00 (coffee); 12:30-14:00 (lunch break); 15:30-16:00 (coffee)

Session Korea time Session chair
Opening speech 09:00-09:10 am (10 mins) Wenpeng Yin

Keynote by Prof. Marija Slavkovik

AI as A Tool, AI as A Master and Some Ethics in Between

09:10-09:50 am (40mins) Lifu Huang

Invited Paper Talk

Speculative Exploration on the Concept of Artificial Agents Conducting Autonomous Research (presenter: Shiro Takagi)

09:50-10:10 am (20mins) Janice Ahn

Invited Paper Talk

Large Language Models for Automated Open-domain Scientific Hypotheses Discovery (presenter: Zonglin Yang)

10:10-10:30 am (20mins) Janice Ahn
Coffee break 10:30-11:00 am (30mins)

Keynote by Prof. Zachary Ives

AI-Accelerated Discovery through Dataset Augmentation

11:00-11:40 am (40mins) Wenpeng Yin

Best Paper Talk

Step-Back Profiling: Distilling User History for Personalized Scientific Writing

11:40-12:10 pm (30mins) Janice Ahn

Invited Paper Talk

ExpeL: LLM Agents Are Experiential Learners (presenter: Andrew Zhao)

12:10-12:30 pm (20mins) Janice Ahn
Lunch break 12:30-14:00 pm (90mins)

Keynote by Prof. Zhouhan Lin


14:00-14:40 am (40mins) Wenpeng Yin

Invited Paper Talk

LLMs Assist NLP Researchers: Critique Paper (Meta-)Reviewing (presenter: Wenpeng Yin)

14:40-15:00 am (20mins) Janice Ahn

Paper talk 6


15:00-15:20 am (20mins) Janice Ahn
Coffee break 15:30-16:00 am (30mins)

Poster session

  • Large Language Models for Automated Open-domain Scientific Hypotheses Discovery
  • Autonomous AI Assistant for Semiconductor Electron Micrograph Analysis: Instruction-Tuning Small-Scale Language-and-Vision Assistant for Enterprise Adoption in Low-Resource Settings
  • OceanGPT: A Large Language Model for Ocean Science Tasks
  • Educational Research Trends of the Use of Gaze Learning Data through Topic Modeling and Scientometric Analysis
  • Scientific Opinion Summarization: Paper Meta-review Generation Dataset, Methods, and Evaluation
  • Knowledge Graph in Astronomical Research with Large Language Models: Quantifying Driving Forces in Interdisciplinary Scientific Discovery
  • Step-Back Profiling: Distilling User Interactions for Personalized Scientific Writing
  • InstructCell: A Multimodal Cell Language Model for Single-cell Analysis
  • Curriculum reinforcement learning for tokamak control
  • Generative Inverse Design of Crystal Structures via Diffusion Models with Transformers
  • Are LLMs Capable of Data-based Statistical and Causal Reasoning? Benchmarking Advanced Quantitative Reasoning with Data
  • Enhancing Psychotherapy Counseling: A Data Augmentation Pipeline Leveraging Large Language Models for Counseling Conversations
  • AutoEncoder-Based Anomaly Detection for CMS Data Quality Monitoring
  • Sentiment trading with large language models
16:00-16:50 am (50mins)
Closing Remarks 16:50-17:00 pm (10 mins) Wenpeng Yin

Organizing Committee

Wenpeng Yin
Asst. Prof.
Penn State

Janice Ahn
Ph.D. Student
Penn State

Rui Zhang
Asst. Prof.
Penn State

Lifu Huang
Asst. Prof.
Virginia Tech

Advisory Boards

Najoung Kim
Asst. Prof.
Boston University

Wei Xu
Assoc. Prof.
Georgia Tech

Muhao Chen
Asst. Prof.
UC Davis

Heike Adel
Hochschule der Medien